Auto-closing automatically closes resolved cases according to the time limits you set. Old queries are separated from new ones in the same message thread, allowing supervisors to track the agents’ productivity.
Once the autoclosing runs the system generates a new case for the next incoming message from a customer. Once a new case is open, New FRT and RT start to count.
Autoclosing is also a prerequisite for sending Satisfaction Surveys 😊
Let’s set up the autoclosing together! In our example, we will be setting up 24h but you can adjust the time based on your needs
First, we have to set up what event will trigger the closing of a case. We do so by creating a trigger in the settings > automation > triggers. Choose the name, the event “case status changed” and delayed execution of 86400 (24h). The event will let us know when the status of a case changes and the delayed execution will let us check if that event remains true after 24hrs.
Now we will set up the conditions for the autoclosing. The conditions will allow you to specify which cases should be closed. In this case, we need to target cases with the status resolved.
To do this, first, click on add condition
Then select the "Case status: condition type and select the status resolved
Now that we have specified the first set of conditions, you need to add delayed conditions. This will allow the trigger to check if the cases have remained in the status resolved for 24hrs in order to execute the job and close the case.
Start by creating another Case status condition set as "Resolved".
Then, create a new "status update time" condition and set it up to "is older" than one day. Please note that the case status update time must match the delayed execution time.
Your trigger's conditions and delayed conditions should look like this:
Now we need to determine what happens when the conditions are met.
For autoclosing, we want to change the case's status to CLOSED.
Click on 'Add new job' and select the "Cange case status". Then assign a name to the job, choose "change case status" as the action, select the status to Closed and click on save.
Now that your trigger is all set up, all that is left is to activate it!
Once activated, this trigger will know when cases change status to resolve and will close them after 24 hrs if the status remained the same for that period of time.
Feeling a little lost? Reach out to our support heroes for guidance
1 comment
How do I setup auto close to 48hrs instead of 24hrs?
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