You run your regular reports and see that the FRT or RT is exceptionally high.
Let’s investigate together:
1. Let's open up the reports and find the source channel for the high metric.
We are looking at the channel performance. We can filter out the agent in question and the time frame.
Now that we found, that the problem is on the FB DMs we will go find the specific case!
2. Searching in Case search
Let's go to the CRM section, Case search part and filter the agent, the source and the time frame. On the right side, you can choose to order the cases by FRT, RT or the creation time.
And Viola! We can see the list of cases ordered by the highest Resolution Time! You can also see the status of the case. Remember, trashed cases are already excluded from your reports and you can do the same with all posts (once you get approval from your supervisor of course ;))
3. The WHY
Once opened, we see that we’ve spoken with the customer in the past and the original case was reopened.
- Last interaction with the customer was last month ago
- Previous interaction was 8 months before!
- Clicking on the reply box shows FRT and RT
4. How to Fix it:
Remove the post from all reports, adjust the timing or eliminate extremes in reporting
OPTION 1 - Remove the post from all reporting
- Once you’ve found the post(s) affecting FRT and RT, simply select trash all in the top right of the post
OPTION 2 - Eliminate extremes in reporting
- If you have custom dashboards, you can set the FRT widgets to exclude distorted values
OPTION 3 - Adjust the timing
- Send our support heroes a request with the case number and they’ll be able to adjust the time in the background (
5. How to avoid this in the future
OPTION 1 - Open a new case
- Agents are able to see the FRT and RT when they begin to respond to the message - if it’s red they should see why!
- To open a new case, click on the 3 dots next to the green reply button in the message you want to make into a new case.
- Respond as usual.
NOTE: Make sure to take these steps BEFORE replying to the customer, the open new case does not work retrospectively!
OPTION 2 - Auto Closing
Set up Auto Closing for Direct Messages. Once resolved for ‘x’ min, the case will close automatically, so you don’t need to worry about future occurrences.
- Select Settings from the main menu
- Under Account, select Auto closing cases
- Scroll down to the channel of choice and insert the length of time a case will have the status (1 day = 1440 min)
- save the settings on the bottom of the screen
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