In Brand Embassy the First Response Time (FRT) and Resolution Time (RT) are tied to the agents’ reply:
First Response Time (FRT) is counting from the moment the message/case was created until the time the agent sends the first reply.
In the example below, you can see that the agent replied in a minute so the FRT is 1 minute.
The Resolution Time (RT) is counted from the creation time until the resolution of the case. In the example above, the RT will be the same as the FRT as the case was resolved by that message.
It is important to remember that if the agent does not reply, no FRT is created.
For example, when you receive broadcast in your inbox with 10 cases with running FRT and click ‘set all as checked’ in the post actions, you will become the assignee of those cases but since there is no reply, no FRT or RT is created for neither of them. You can use the read time to estimate how long did it take the agent to read the messages in the post.
If an agent replies at any point after, the FRT and RT will be generated to the creation time.
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